Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Report on Investigations on Acreage (4)

Rallying themselves, the acolytes fought off both Duke Ollard's men and the Slaught-animated zombies in the tower, and questioned the heretical duke some more. He spoke of a 'summoning' and claimed that the Slaught had shown him a truth beyond death. He was killed for his corruption by xenos. The acolytes attempted to convince Ollard's men that their lord was a heretic, but only a few heeded their words.

Fleeing through the sewers, the acolytes took refuge by the docks. Alaric tended their wounds, and discovered that Quint's belly was puckered with strange marks from where the alien touched him. Meanwhile, war engulfed the city once more. It seems that word of the duke's heresy had spread, and now the Rhozeia-loyal forces were fighting each other. Verbal made his way to the camp of the ex-Guardsman Tholos, after attempts to reach him by radio failed. Tholos had indeed turned on Ollard's allies, and arranged for the other acolytes to be rescued.

With the duke's confession that Prince Olcan's seneschal Kirith was an ally of the xenos, the acolytes decided to travel to the capital city to intercept Kirith and use the planet's Astropath. They asked Tholos for aid, and Alaric was alarmed when Tholos let slip that he knew the xenos were named Slaught. The group departed in an armed carriage.

Crossing a land of dead men and charnel fields, they came to an inn...

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