Sunday, April 20, 2008

Report on investigations on Acreage (2)

>SUBJECT: Report on investigations on Acreage (2)

The platform came under attack by a flotilla of vessels under the banner of Rhozeia, one of the two warring heirs to the Governorship. Most of the acolytes avoided significant injury, although Alaric was struck by incoming fire several times. Thondor secured a ship that brought them to the mainland.

There, guided by the swamp-dweller Eklo, they rested in a swamp-folk village for a night before making their way to Olrankan. Using a letter of introduction obtained on Emperor's Island and their seal, they obtained entry and spoke to Prince Olcan, who promised to aid their investigations.

While waiting for Prince Olcan's seneschal Kirith to find the document that had been responsible for calling in the Inquisition originally, the acolytes began to investigate.

Verbal and Thondor went down to the edge of the siege, as eye-witnesses had reported bodies vanishing from the field of battle.
Quint found a corpse-collector's cart and followed it.
And at the castle, a sniper attempted to assassinate the tech-priest with an energy weapon...

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